Foreign ambassadors visit Kuwait’s renewable energy complex

The US Ambassador to the State of Kuwait along with envoys of European countries based in the country on Wednesday visited Al-Shagaya Renewable Energy Park, run by Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR), in Jahra north of the Kuwaiti capital.

KISR said in a statement the delegation grouped the US Ambassador to the State of Kuwait, Alina L. Romanowski, German Ambassador Stefan Mobs, French envoy Anne-Claire Legendre, the ambassador of Italy Carlo Baldocci, of Austria Marian Alexander WRBA, of Belgium Leo Peeters, and the EU Dr. Christian Tudor.

The American Ambassador, as cited by KISR’s statement, said she was elated to examine the complex, thanked KISR’s Acting Director Dr. Manea Al-Sdirawi for the gesture, and affirmed the necessity of cooperation between her nation and partners around the world to stem climatic change and the atmosphere overheating. Renewable energy is quite necessary for coping with such perils, for achieving objectives of the Paris Agreement on climatic change (aimed at substantially reducing greenhouse gas emissions), lauding Kuwait for taking such a gigantic move, building the renewable energy complex.

For his part, ambassador Mobs said the Kuwaiti-German partnership achieves goals of sustainable development, noting that German establishments and companies were ready to cooperate with Kuwait at this level because protecting the environment has become very much pending more than any other time ever.

The EU envoy for his part expressed readiness to cooperate with Kuwait as part of an approach to manage resources in Kuwait and the EU countries The complex director, Dr. Ayman Al-Gattan, said the site included in the first phase three stations, the thermal solar station (50 MW), the photoelectric unit (10 MW) and the wind farm (10 MW). Overall annual energy output from the park is in the range of 245 MW per hour; sufficient to supply energy to some 2,000 residential units. He has affirmed the strategy to secure 15 percent of the electric power from the complex for Kuwait by 2030.

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